Friday, November 20, 1998

Another fun game

Okay...interactive Jolee list time !!!!
Jolee would like everyone to come up with a top ten list entitled TOP TEN GIFTS JOLEE (OR HER PARENTS) DOES (DO) NOT WANT FOR THE HOLIDAYS.
I will take the best of the best and create a list for all to enjoy. This hopefully will be fun.

Need help? Here's a starter. Top 3 Items discouraged:
1. Playskool's Little Biologiocal Warfare Plant
2. Intern Barbie
3. Anatomically Correct John Elway doll
I'm looking forward to all of your creative replies

Joseph Savella replied:

Here are a few Jolee!!!

1. Tommy Train (music drives parents crazy)
2. 48 inch bouncing ball. (takes up too much space outside and inside
3. puzzles (too much work cleaning up)
4. baseball bat. (mom and dad never were helmets)
5. stuffed animals. (after a while they begin to stink)

Tony Tambascia replied:


Here is an initial entry into the game. Maybe with a weekend to think it
over, I can come up with some better ones.


10. Chia-Lewinsky

9. Barrel of Phlegm

8. Baby's First Hand Grenade

7. The Linda Tripp Home Makeover Kit

6. Jesse "The Governor" Ventura action figure

5. Land-mine Twister (apologies to Princess Diana fans)

4. Barney ('nuf said)

3. G.I.-Janet Reno

2. Plastic Surgery - The Home Game

1. Tickle-Me-Slobodan Milosovic

Natalia Liss Schull replied:

Do not want: "F-Timmy the Cat" doll (a la Howard Stern)

Steve Proulx replied:

Sadam Husein's WMD Hide & Seek

Love Canal Home Chemistry Set

The Airline Executive's Guide on Making a Good Deal

Any dress from Lewinsky's "Tidy Up Aftwards" line of apparell.

Happy thanks giving to all!


Cathy Cohen replied:

Hi Bill,

I have an idea what not to get her fo fear of driving her parents crazy!!! I
recently finished work on a project, on interactive Arthur, and DW dolls from
microsoft. Interactive teletubbies get the same vote. They will drive you
nuts!! I say foster that creative mind. Rageddy Ann, a hand made doll,
something cloth she can drag everywhere, and has to invent the dialog. This
would be good preparation for the new baby as well. Have a wonderful
Thanksgiving. Cathy

Seth Cohen replied:

i dont think anyone wants these

Wednesday, November 04, 1998

Catching Up (November 1998)

Well, my apologies, it's been a long time since I did a Jolee update. To make up for it, I have composed a list of topics you have missed due to my negligence.

November 4: Jolee Exhibits Simpsons-mania, utters "Flanders" and "Burns", as well as "Marge, Homer, Lisa, Bart, and Maggie."

November 3: Jolee Mind Control Works, Telepathically Gives Thousands of D'Amato supporters influenza so they can't vote.

November 2: Jolee Stays Home, Recovering from Stomach Virus, Visits Doctor, No longer thinks he is the Anti-Christ

November 1: Jolee Watches NYC Marathon from corner of 4th Avenue and 92nd Street in support of Rob Stewart, one of the What Did Jolee Do? recipients. Runner tickles her, makes her cry, Later that day, she throws up. No correlation, parents say.

October 31: Jolee Trick-or-Treats in the stores on 3rd Avenue. Befuddles dim-witted Brooklynites with her cereberal "grape" costume which consists of green clothing and green balloons tied to her sweater. One woman thinks she's peas. At least she was in the right neighborhood.

October 30: Jolee celebrates Halloween at school. Brings home candy. Mother and Father delighted.

October 29: Jolee chases Goblin the Cat, "First Step toward ending International Terrorism," she claims.

October 28: Dinner at home with Great Grandma Harriett (GG), Great Grandpa Joe (Goompa), Great Uncle Mel and Great Aunt Susan. Refers to them as "Ah-mel and Sandy".

October 27: Jolee Did Nothing of Interest Today

October 26: Jolee Wears "Pull-Ups" to School, Dinner at Prima Pasta with GG, Goompa, Ah-Mel, Mom and Dad. Jolee eats bowtie pasta. Ah-Mel reads "WHISTLE FOR WILLIE". Jolee thinks Ah-Mel's whistle is the neatest thing since the Teletubbies.

October 22-25: Jolee Celebrates the Yankees World Series win by pretending nothing happened.

Hope this appeases those of you who have been on Jolee withdrawal.

Sunday, November 01, 1998

Disaster, Narrowly Avoided (November 1998)

I was bringing in our Halloween wind sock from the balcony outside of Jolee's room this morning, as Melanie dressed her for school, when, in the process of folding it up, the Yellow Jacket inside of it stung my hand. Aside from repeating my exclamation of displeasure at such a rude start to my day, Jolee was finally dissuaded from bringing the insect, trapped under a glass, to school for show and tell. Instead, she settled for her D.W. doll (from the cartoon ARTHUR).

Fortunately for me, I finally discovered that I am not allergic to bee-stings.

Have a great weekend.

Movie Review (November 1998)

THE ROVING CRITIC by Jolee Pauline Lineka Cohen

ANTZ is a good movie. Buggies! Buggies! I went with Mommy and Daddy and Goompa to see it at a multiplex in Sheepshead Bay. But I didn't see any sheep. That was rather disappointing. Buggies! Mommy and Daddy and Goompa liked the movie a lot, and it was fun and all, but they laughed a lot more than I did. The main ant named Z talked about things that only adults worry about, so I couldn't be bothered. It was interesting, but the high point of the movie was before the movie when we saw a preview for BABE 2, PIG IN THE CITY. I really really really liked the Talking Goose. He cracked me up. On a scale of 1 to 10 grapes, 10 being the highest, I give ANTZ 7 Grapes, and not the red ones, 7 green grapes.
Until next time, when I plan to review BABE 2, this is Jolee, saying "Go Packers!"