Wednesday, November 17, 1999

Alternate Song Lyrics

Jolee is very adamant that Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was called into
action on "one FROGGY Christmas Eve". Whenever we try and correct her, she
becomes hopping mad.

Monday, November 15, 1999

It happened at the post office (November 15, 1999)

It was a typical Saturday excursion to the post office. Shayna was strapped
to my chest in the Baby Bjorn and Jolee was running around being.....Jolee. I
stood in line and waited patiently. There were several people behind me and a
few in front of me. Jolee provided everyone with running commentary on the
posters and the chairs, etc. Then, she decided to stand in line with me and
squeezed in front of me. I stepped back a foot to give her more space, and
for a brief moment she was staring straight ahead, her face was level with
the posterior of the woman in front of me.

Then, Jolee turned to me, and stepped out of line (in more ways than one).
Her nose was scrunched up and she said, loudly, "Pee-yew! Stinky!" and, as
if we all didn't get it, she said this waving her hand in front of her nose.

Either the woman chose not to react or didn't hear, but several people behind
me chuckled as I waited for my face to return to its normal color.

Wednesday, November 10, 1999

Hold On One Minute

Hello, Jolee here.

Every once in a while, Dad goes a bit overboard and exaggerates a bit. This
whole, falling-off-the-chair bit was entirely misrepresented. It was staged!
I was merely being a good big sister and showing Shayna why she should be
very careful with chairs. What better way to teach a nine-month old than by
showing her? Besides, after a "serious" collision with an immobile object,
i.e. a wall, your parents are nicer to you and let you get away with more
stuff than they normally would.

As for the lollipop, that was part of the gimmick. If I have to hear one more
time about way back in 1988 when Dad jumped over a chain outside of the Greek
Bowl at Occidental, tripped and fell flat on his face, but managed to spill
not a single drop of beer out of his cup, I think I'm going to scream! My
hanging on to my lollipop was an attempt to parody his nostalgia for
insignificant events in his past. Clearly, this was way too sophisticated for
him to grasp, next time I try a little satire I'll simplify it for him. Boy,
I can't wait until I'm a teenager.

Anyway, don't worry, I'm okay. Don't panic. And this is my new e-mail
address. Dad thought it up. I will try and respond to any e-mail that I am
sent, but remember, I'm only three years old.



Tuesday, November 09, 1999

Don't Worry, she's okay (November 9, 1999)

Last night Jolee was fooling around, standing on her small plastic chair,
when she fell off and hit her head on the wall. She's got quite a bump and
she cried for quite some time, but she recovered and is none worse for wear.
The truly amazing thing about it, though, was the fact that, through the
whole event, she managed to hang onto her lollipop without it touching the

Rebecca Kendig replied:

Wow--maybe she can continue to refine this talent, so when she becomes a beer

drinker she can learn to fall without spilling a drop!

Cousin Joanne Block replied:

I know I am a blood relative of Jolee's because I wouldnt have let go of the

lollipop either. Hope she's Okay. Love Joanne

Tuesday, November 02, 1999

Halloween (November 2, 1999)

In case you were wondering, Jolee celebrated Halloween as a witch, and since
our cat Goblin didn't want to leave the house, Shayna filled in as a Jolee's
black cat. In our neighborhood, the bulk of trick or treating takes place
over on Third Avenue, with the kids hitting all the merchants up and down the
street. Jolee was amazed at the magical spell she cast whenever she said
"Trick or Treat", people would give her candy. Unfortunately, or perhaps good
for us, a lot of the stores are closed Sundays, so we didn't strain any
muscles carrying home loot.

I will be sending out pictures once we get them developed, and e-mailing them
out, so, if you need them in a specific format, or do not wish to see them,
please e-mail me and tell me so. Thanks,


Shayna's Halloween Surprise

Shayna, to commemorate the Halloween holiday, revealed to us Friday night,
that, joining her 2 bottom teeth, a couple of new teeth peeked out from her
gums. They were, of course, her fangs.