Wednesday, October 20, 1999

Pickled Preference

What better way to be introduced to the pickle, than at world-famous Carnegie
Deli. Shayna trivia buffs be aware, that is where her first pickle was
consumed, and for a baby with only two teeth, she dispatches them with a zest
that any pickle afficionado would admire.

Friday, October 01, 1999

Live in Concert (October 1999)

Last month, Country-Western singer-turned Mystery-writer Kinky Firedman was

performing at The Bottom Line, a club in New York City. Word has it that, at

one point in the evening, he was chatting with the audience, as he often does.

"It's nice to see so many young ladies here tonight," he told the crowd.

"Although I don't have the same affect on them as I did when I was younger."

Laughter and applause from the crowd.

He continued, "Although, every now and then, I do make the young ladies cry.

In fact, earlier this evening, at a book signing at a Barnes & Noble, I made

a pretty young blonde lady cry."

"Of course she couldn't have been more than three years old."

This story was relayed by a professor at Brooklyn Technical College to

Cynthia Liss, who, along with the professor, is a Kinky Friedman fan.

Cynthia, also known as Grandma, said, "Well, you know who that young girl

was? That was my granddaughter, Jolee."

Yes, it's true, a man named Kinky made Jolee cry, but not very much, and the

whole family was present. Shayna didn't cry. Melanie didn't cry. Bill didn't

cry. And Jolee only cried a little. She's just not used to seeing Jewish

cowboys in the city. I think she enjoyed the reading though.