Thursday, October 01, 1998

Ok, so it's started...... (Fall 1998)

Too much of a good thing is a bad thing.
Melanie and I are very proud of the fact that Jolee says please and most always says thank you.
However, Jolee's workin' it now.
She employs a drama queen, over-the-top, heartwrenching, "Pleaaase. Pleaaaase. PLeeeeease!" It is as if she's begging for me to spare her life, and all she wants is a cookie.
I can hear it now, "Pleeeeease, Daddy, Pleeeeease. I have to have a 2012 Volkswagen Spacebug, or I'll just die! Puh-lee-eee-eee-eeee-ease!"

World Series Addendum (October 1998)

Uncle Seth, sayeth Jolee, wake up and smell the Bronx.

Jolee at the Museum of Natural History (Fall 1998)

Jolee went to the Museum of Natural History on Saturday with Mom, Dad and "Goompa" Barry. She loved the animals of course, especially the big blue whale with the big ears (try explaining to a two-year old what a "fin" is). She did not particularly care for the Walruses. The highlight, however, was the Amazon film, in IMAX format. Jolee let the everyone know what each animal was, announcing it to the people in the row ahead of us. Later in the evening, Jolee met her cousins Barbara and Miriam Liss (welcome to the mailing list Barbara!), and unfortunately, fell asleep for the Yankees come-from-behind victory over the Padres.

I do have some pictures to send out in the next day or so, so if anyone does not want pictures sent to them (or whose computers won't accept them, please let me know ASAP).

Yay Daddy! (Fall 1998)

Jolee is proud to announce that a poem composed by her father, entitled, appropriately "Father, You Are Ancient" (no Grandpa Leon it's not about you), will be appearing in a forthcoming anthology on the parent-child bond. No dates set yet, but we'll keep you posted. Should anyone like a copy of the poem forwarded to them, please e-mail requesting it and we'll get it out to you.

Stay tuned for more exciting Jolee updates!

Jolee and Seuss (Fall, 1998)

Jolee's tastes have recently run from Sesame Street to her now favorite video, a Dr. Seuss tape with three segments on it based on beginner's books. It is known obsessively as 'ABC'S" by the daughter-in-chief. That is, until this past weekend when we unveiled, in the spirit of the season, Grinch Night, a Grinchy Halloween tale.

This morning, as I was trying to rouse Jolee from her slumber to get her ready for school (she has inherited my monumental morning grumpiness), I spoke softly to her, stroked her hair, called her name, sang good morning. Her eyes stayed shut. Then I said, "Jolee, you wanna watch ABC's?"

Her eyes sprang open and she said "Grinch". The rest was easy.