Thursday, October 01, 1998

Jolee and Seuss (Fall, 1998)

Jolee's tastes have recently run from Sesame Street to her now favorite video, a Dr. Seuss tape with three segments on it based on beginner's books. It is known obsessively as 'ABC'S" by the daughter-in-chief. That is, until this past weekend when we unveiled, in the spirit of the season, Grinch Night, a Grinchy Halloween tale.

This morning, as I was trying to rouse Jolee from her slumber to get her ready for school (she has inherited my monumental morning grumpiness), I spoke softly to her, stroked her hair, called her name, sang good morning. Her eyes stayed shut. Then I said, "Jolee, you wanna watch ABC's?"

Her eyes sprang open and she said "Grinch". The rest was easy.


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