Wednesday, August 16, 2000

Jolee Turns 4 !

Well, Jolee is now 4 years old, ladies and gents. Last Saturday we celebrated
her birthday at a Posh hot spot called "McDonalds of 86th Street," and on
Monday, we presented her with one of her many gifts, some wigs and fans for
dress-up. The ensuing photographic evidence is quite funny.

Monday, August 07, 2000

What me, update?

Well, long overdue, I know (I still have to scan our California pictures).
Here's a batch from July when Grandma Diane was in town visiting, and from
this past weekend on our trip to the New York Aquarium. Jolee, despite crying
beforehand about not wanting to see the sharks, once there, couldn't get
enough of them. She and Emma also liked the Beluga whales, while Shayna's
favorite was the sea lion and bottlenose dolphins in the amphitheater.

Hope everyone's having a great summer!
