Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Passover, pigeons, pussycats, playpens (April 1998)

We had our first Passover Seder together as a family (last year I was in
L.A.) on Friday night. Actually, it was more of a turboseder. Despite
being the youngest one present, Jolee was clearly in charge. She was in
a festive mood, as long as there was a hard-boiled egg on her tray. Once
the egg was consumed, she was like Pharoah, very cranky. This crankiness
succeeded in accelerating the seder at break-neck speed. Once the meal
was served, she calmed down, especially to consume her matzah-stuffing.

Jolee's after-seder activities included trying to help clear the table
of plates, glasses, and utensils. She did find the afikomen (the matzah
hidden like an Easter Egg for the kids to find, usually resulting in
some financial reward) although she wasn't looking for it.

It was a nice seder, and no one got hurt. The rest of the week passed
relatively uneventfully. Jolee chased pigeons in the spirit of the

Jolee is getting a bit rough with the cats. Goblin gave her a look
yesterday that would have frozen a dog. Jolee could care less.

We are a bit worried. She was a hair away from climbing out of her
playpen, a fact that is not as disturbing as it is forboding. She may be
scaling her crib next so please, no May Day rapelling kits for our
daughter, thank you.

From Grandma Diane, April 13, 1998:

Thanks for the update...sounds much more amusing than Pesach at the
governor's! Avi was the saving grace, and I got to sit at his table. Our
leader (as in head of state) welcomed the group by saying he had to leave
for a Korean Festival, then proceeded to heartily invite all the keikis to
the Easter Egg Roll on the Washington Place lawn...open mouth, insert foot!
Which wouldn't have been too bad, if he had mentioned it in passing...but
he went on and on about it...oblivious to pained expressions in the
audience of 200+.... Avi just rolled his eyes. I gave him the article about
you in the Iolani Bulletin.

Aunt Lee is so excited to host you and Mel over the 4th of July with a big
birthday party...should be super fun...just spoke with her this a.m.....I
will be in NEW ORLEANS, I think...unable to get away if the union is
footing the bill...but at least I'd be closer than Hawaii....

It has been so cold at the ranch....we use three quilts every night (max
before was two!) and have fires going in both fireplaces every night....

More soon...trying to get out of the office a little earlier. Love, Mom


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